SNG Research Serves As “Cornerstone” for Making the Case for Broadband Investment
Rick Wilson, Projects and Programs Manager for Florida’s Walton County knew they needed better broadband in ...
SNG Webinar: Is a Locally Owned Broadband Network Right for You?
This webinar, held on June 28, 2017, and hosted by Strategic Networks Group, features Bruce Patterson, ...
Moving Past Ideology When Considering Community Broadband
The long-running debate over whether municipalities can build their own Internet networks is more rooted in ...
SNG Announces Economic Feasibility Assessment to Measure Potential Benefits and Estimate Costs with AEG
One-of-a-Kind Offering Provides Initial Insights into the Feasibility of a Locally Owned Network by Weighing ...
SNG’s Analysis Featured in Broadband Communities Magazine
SNG Examines the Economic Impacts of a Locally Owned Network In advance of SNG’s announcement next month ...
SNG Releases “50 States of Broadband” Report
Today in conjunction with the Rural Telecommunications Congress (RTC), Strategic Networks Group (SNG) released ...
SNG Announces Broadband Economic Impact Model to Reveal Meaningful Use’s Growth Potential
Leveraging Financial Impacts Data from Tens of Thousands of American Businesses, SNG Can Show Regions the ...
SNG Announces Partnership with Shoals Entrepreneurial Center to Create Jobs and Grow Businesses Through Internet Utilization Programs
US Federal POWER Initiative Funds to be Used to help Businesses and Displaced Coal Workers in Alabama, ...
Leading Practices for Broadband Offices
Why are broadband offices important? They are a focal point for any questions about broadband, a clearinghouse ...