SNG offers solutions aligned to your goals, turning broadband’s potential into measurable success.
Communities and Economic Development
Community Leaders – Local governments at the municipal or regional level face increasing challenges to maintain and grow the local tax base, deliver essential services, and be fiscally responsible. Ensuring the availability of high quality broadband is essential infrastructure for keeping and attracting businesses and implementing smart city / neighborhood services. Putting that broadband to work is essential to enabling a healthy economy, improving local quality of life, and enhancing community vitality. | |
Small Business Associations / Chambers of Commerce – Local associations often survive based solely on the business value they provide members. SNG’s Small Business Growth Program provides your members real insights and ideas for growth. | |
Economic and Regional Development Agencies – Organizations focused on “economic gardening,” or growing a local economy through individual business growth, rely on SNG to show businesses how the Internet can help them sell and save. Helping businesses help themselves accelerates growth and local job creation. |
Policy, Programs, and Strategies
Governments, Public Agencies, Utility Commissions, Regulators – Any organizations investing public funds, or establishing broadband policies and programs need facts and data to make informed choices and decisions. SNG’s proven, industry-leading broadband research helps policy-makers clearly identify where and how to target their strategies. | |
Program Leaders – Organizations that provide programs, funding or support to communities and regions need quality research, tools, and methods that provide meaningful outcomes. SNG supports your organization by applying our unique research to provide clarity on broadband opportunities and investments. |
Network Providers
Municipal (and Regional) Networks – What the pragmatist would say matters most is sustainability. Think bigger. Broadband is more than simply internet access – it is an essential platform for innovation and smart communities. SNG can help you increase the use of your network and create revenue opportunities for businesses that beget new jobs and additional tax revenues. | |
Private Network Operators – Encourage and enable businesses (customers and prospects) to increase their use of broadband. SNG provides programs to position your ISP as a community partner for a fraction of the cost of a traditional marketing program. | |
Public Utilities – “Internet of Things” and smart grid initiatives are driving needs for enhanced data connectivity and bandwidth. Utilities can realize additional benefits including reliability improvements, increased economic development opportunities, cost savings to subscribers, and additional revenue opportunities for advanced services. | |