
2008: SNG research

On the effects of fiber deployments in Capturing the Promise of Broadband for North Carolina and America

2008: Broadband Report from eNC and Baller Herbst

SNG research on the effects of fiber deployments in Capturing the Promise of Broadband for North Carolina and ...

2008: Blandin on Broadband

VidChat on Broadband as Driver of Economic Development with Michael Curri

2003: Globe and Mail

SNG appears in “Canada’s National Newspaper” on world’s first compelling business case ...

The Broadband Lifecycle: Awareness, Adoption, Impacts, and Outcomes

This month we finish our three-part series covering the steps of the broadband lifecycle. In May we covered ...

Broadband Lifecycle in Action: Virginia

Adjacent to Washington DC and the home of the FCC, Virginia is about to embark on journey along the Broadband ...

Get Smart

Before we wrap up this issue of Bandwidth, a few words about smart grids. Before you tune out from this ...

What’s your broadband score?

As we focus on how we can make our broadband initiatives successful and network builds sustainable, have you ...

Broadband in a down economy

Across the globe the 2008-09 global downturn had deep impacts. Many households were stretched thin, looking ...

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