
SNG Provides ISPs a New Way to Increase Revenues and Retain Customers

Offering Allows ISPs to Help Businesses Better Utilize Their High-Bandwidth Service
Today at the FTTH ...

Governor Cuomo Announces New York State Ranks #1 in the Nation For Broadband Activity and Investment

Strategic Networks Group Surveys Broadband Initiatives in Nationwide Study; Ranks New York State First Overall ...

Stop Blowing It: Taking a Holistic Approach to Broadband Planning

Broadband providers have failed to creatively engage a critical element in the broadband marketplace – the consumer.

Rural Broadband Deficiencies Highlighted in Tennessee

Watch a colorful description of the "slow circle of death" as Tennessee citizens wait for connectivity

What Kind Of Speed Matters for Broadband’s Economic Development Impact?

Over 70% of small businesses (fewer than 50 employees) have less than 4 Mbps upload speed...

Training in the Internet Age

Many of the small businesses that stand to gain the most from enhanced utilization of Internet applications ...

Driving Meaningful Use For Businesses

Effective business use of the Internet and its applications promotes local competitiveness and growth, ...

What is Innovation?

Thoughts from Harvard’s Strategic Innovation Summit Last month I presented at the Strategic Innovation ...

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