Putting SNG’s Broadband Economic Impact Model to Use in Your Community / Region

Impact-Based Broadband Planning for Communities, Regions, and States
SNG’s business research uncovers how online business practices drive additional annual revenues, cost savings, and new jobs and applies them to a selected region and its industries. These inputs are used to model potential local economic impacts in terms of incremental annual GDP, incremental annual taxes, and employment from meaningful use – what decision makers and leaders need for investing public funds in broadband infrastructure and programing that drives meaningful use of Internet applications.

Opportunity-Based Broadband Use Development for Business Growth
At a micro-level, broadband planning is also needed to drive meaningful use and with it growth. Personalizing the ROI of broadband to individual businesses requires identifying the Internet applications that drive their productivity and competitiveness. SNG has developed a program to help businesses understand the new revenues and cost savings they can generate from more effectively using Internet applications – driving local business retention and expansion through broadband.

Generated through SNG’s online assessment tool, the DEi Scorecard is a confidential, one-page report delivered to every business and organization that participates in a Small Business Growth Program. The scorecard includes a Digital Economy index (DEi) score ranking the business’ Internet utilization with that of their peers. Included recommendations are based on industry averages collected by SNG, the quantified impact in terms of new revenues and cost savings these tools would have if they were implemented.

Together, the Broadband Economic Impact Model and the Small Business Growth Program enable communities, regions and states to not only plan for growth – but actually drive it.