Virginia e-Solutions Benchmarking
Client: Commonwealth of Virginia, United States
Project: Collected and analyzed information regarding broadband and e-solutions use by businesses, organizations, institutions, and households across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Conducted: eSB conducted in 2010; contract extension for 2011 – 2013.
Results: Identified gaps and opportunities for increasing broadband utilization, developing broadband strategies for economic development and converting broadband “network projects” into foundational platforms for economic and civic growth. Contract extension will produce a State Broadband Adoption and Awareness Plan in 2012, for use during stakeholder and community workshops in 2013.
Client: State of Virginia, United States
Project: Collected and analyzed information regarding broadband and e-solutions use by businesses, organizations, institutions, and households across the State of Virginia.
Conducted: March 2010 – 2011
Results: Identified gaps and opportunities for increasing broadband adoption, developing broadband strategies for economic development and converting broadband “network projects” into foundational platforms for economic and civic growth