Oregon Broadband Assessments – Invite

Oregon needs your input

to expand broadband across the state



The Oregon Broadband Office within Business Oregon, an agency of the State of Oregon, is excited to take next step toward advancing broadband access and utilization across the State. While Oregon has made great progress toward getting high-quality broadband for our communities, we know that we still have more to do so that all residents and businesses can get the internet access they need to thrive and succeed. We are developing our plans to make this possible and we need to hear from you!

If you have a household in Oregon, please click here to tell us what is available to you, how you are using the internet, and what you need going forward.


If you are a business or organization operating in Oregon, please click here to tell us what is available to you, how you are using the internet, and what your organization needs to succeed.


For more information about this important initiative for Oregon broadband, please read Business Oregon press release.


Thank you for your support!