Notre équipe de spécialistes possède une très grande expérience dans l’analyse économique et de marché, l’architecture de réseau, la planification stratégique et le management de projets.
Nos consultants séniors sont:
Michael Curri est l’un des plus grands spécialistes mondiaux de l’économétrie du numérique et possède une grande expérience dans le développement de stratégies de croissance et de développement économique grâce aux usages numériques. Il est reconnu pour ses analyses d’impact économique, domaine dans lequel il a développé une méthodologie et des outils capables de quantifier les impacts économiques locaux du numérique grâce à la collection de données micro-économiques auprès des entreprises et des particuliers.
Ancien consultant à Industrie Canada et en tant que Président de Strategic Networks Group qu’il a fondé en 1998, M. Curri a travaillé avec des gouvernements nationaux et régionaux, des agences de développement économique, des organismes internationaux (Banque Mondiale) ou encore des centres de recherches (Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, etc). Qualifié de « pionnier » dans son domaine par le quotidien national canadien Globe and Mail, M. Curri est à ce titre régulièrement appelé à intervenir lors de conférences et en temps qu’expert en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et en Australie. M. Curri possède un Master d’économie de L’université de Waterloo (Canada). Partiellement basé à paris, M. Curri parle couramment anglais, italien, allemand et français.
Gary Dunmore
VP aux Opérations
Gary Dunmore est le Vice-Président chargé des opérations de Strategic Networks Group. Diplômé en ingénierie des communications de l’Université de British-Colombia, il possède 35 années d’expérience dans l’industrie des télécommunications, au sein de Nortel Networks puis de Strategic Networks Group (SNG) qu’il a rejoint à sa création en 1998. M. Dunmore l’un des principaux membres de SNG et produit pour des clients du secteur privé et public des analyses microéconomiques sur la valeur ajoutée de l’implémentation des technologies numériques. Il apporte également son expertise des usages numériques dans le développement et la production d’outils et de méthodologie utilisés par SNG dans l’exécution de ses projets.
Doug Adams
VP, Communications
Doug Adams oversees SNG’s Communications efforts, which includes serving as the editor for our monthly Bandwidth newsletter. He also heads up projects that involve building a business case for businesses through extensive outreach and marketing.
Located in Boulder, Colorado, Doug joins SNG after serving as Director of Marketing for OneCommunity and the Knight Center of Digital Excellence. He oversaw strategy and execution of marketing, communications, public relations and brand initiatives – taking the Knight Center from idea to national thought leader in 18 months.
Doug has a long track record of success developing marketing strategies and positioning for entrepreneurial organizations in a variety of industries, including technology, market research, and publishing. Previously, Doug developed online strategies for GIE Media, established go-to-market strategies and products for now industry-leading online market research firm InsightExpress, and developed marketing solutions for products and services mired in an inability to fully communicate their value and compete in the marketplace.
Doug received his M.B.A. in marketing from the University of Connecticut and holds a bachelor’s degree in communication from DePauw University, where he was awarded the Most Outstanding Radio Documentary in the State of Indiana (1990) by the Associated Press.
Thomas McGuire
VP, SNG Solutions, Inc.
Thomas McGuire, M.A. (Econ.), is a management consultant and Associate of Strategic Networks Group specializing in economic analysis, public sector program analysis and evaluation, and socio-economic impact studies. Thomas has worked on diverse projects spanning sectors in health, environment, port management, labor economics, publishing, waste management, textiles, fisheries, tourism, pharmaceutical, education, heavy industry, manufacturing, petroleum, broadband and ICT, business service, and transportation. With nearly ten years of private and public sector consulting experience, Thomas is skilled in program evaluation, survey design and analysis, primary research, public consultation, statistical software applications and analysis, and impact modeling.
Thomas has a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in economics from Dalhousie University where he concentrated in labor economics. As a consultant, Mr. McGuire brings his insightful and analytical skills to both research and project manager assignments. He has worked on a number of feasibility and economic impact studies for various tourism projects; executed several studies related to port and harbor development; managed a study of transportation needs in southwestern Nova Scotia; assessed opportunities from oil and gas exploration of the potential for an aluminum plant in Nova Scotia; assessed the economic impact of developing IT infrastructure for water utility infrastructure management in Matamoros, Mexico and Juarez, Mexico; contributed to a feasibility analysis of a proposed hazardous waste treatment facility to be located in Rajasthan, India and another in Indore, India; and conducted specialized economic studies for a wide range of clients.
Thomas has a strong background in economic analysis, has prepared many economic impact assessments and is experienced in cost-benefit and input-output analysis, willingness to pay analysis, and other standard economic techniques. In addition, he is experienced in the design, analysis, and presentation of quantitative data from surveys and other sources. Recent projects have included a recreational need assessment for DND that involved the determination of revenues based on willingness to pay criteria under a number of alternative scenarios.
Derek Murphy
VP, Project Delivery
Derek Murphy has over thirty years in community and economic development. A specialist in community processes, Derek has extensive experience in facilitation and strategic planning at the community and organizational levels. Derek also provides training in governance and has sat on or chaired a number of Boards, including one crown corporation.
Derek has lived and worked in rural British Columbia for the last 16 years, with the last 12 years focused on initiatives promoting economic diversification and innovation, especially through development of telecommunications solutions. Derek has chaired a regional organization of over 30 municipalities and communities that collaborated on broadband infrastructure, services and institutional capacity. Derek has assisted in the development and implementation of broadband proposals.
As a resident and consultant in a rural region, Derek has developed a broad range of experience, specializing in the development of community indicators and benchmarks, social planning and affordable housing. Prior to becoming a consultant, Derek was a senior manager in the non-profit sector, managing the development and delivery of a range of social, economic and health programs.
Derek has postgraduate training in economic development and community planning, with a Masters from Carleton University and a BA from McGill University.
Amber Hayes
e-Solutions Adoption Business Coach
A broadband and online evangelist, Amber Hayes serves as e-Solutions Adoption Business Coach, for Strategic Networks Group. She specializes in making broadband, its myriad of applications, and their benefits resonate for community members, driving meaningful use and economic opportunities.
Amber coaches small-to-medium sized businesses to identify unique opportunities and create plans for successful adoption of online applications. She takes what could be seen as intimidating and makes it simple and applicable for businesses of all sizes. Amber is a Strategic Networks Group team member and supports bridging statistical insight into the creation of customized tools and plans that allow regions and businesses to maximize their broadband adoption and opportunity effectively. Amber has presented at several international summits on the topic of online technology as well as presentations on broadband opportunity, social media, online trends and remote work.
Joanna Taylor
Telecommunications Competition and Regulation
Joanna Taylor has more than twenty years experience in the telecommunications industry, primarily with BT Global Services, the international division of British Telecommunications, where, until the end of 2010 she was VP, Global Competition and Regulation. Addressing the linkages between communications networks and economic growth so as to influence the regulatory and legislative environment in which operators offer communication services was a key part of that role. Her experience spans Europe and North America as well as the emerging markets of Asia Pacific and Latin America. She has a robust appreciation of the commercial realities facing businesses and not for profit organizations as she started her career working in finance.
Joanna is based in the United Kingdom and has a keen interest in the ability of broadband and other information communications technologies to support world class economic activities from rural locations.
Joanna is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England and Wales and has an MA (Cantab) in Economics from the University of Cambridge.
John Deridder
Telecommunications Economics
John Deridder is an economist working from Sydney. He has over 25 years experience in the telecommunications industry. He is recognized internationally as an experienced telecommunications economist with expertise in broadband, pricing and regulation.
John’s eighteen year career at Telstra in Australia put him at the cutting edge of developments such as universal service costing and the evolution of competition and regulation. He was its chief economist, director of strategic studies and in his final role at Telstra he was responsible for pricing wholesale broadband access and data products. He led the USO costing team, provided internal advice on key regulatory issues and developed a business case for mobile resale.
Since leaving Telstra in 2002, John has provided advice on telecommunications, economics, pricing and regulation to private corporations, regulators and governments in Australia and overseas. His econometric study for the OECD on broadband take-up was relied on in the Berkman (Harvard) Centre report to the FCC on US broadband policy. He was a key player in a major utility’s bid to help develop Australia’s National Broadband Network.
Before joining Telstra, John held various positions in Australia and the UK. In Australia he worked as the economist for ICI and as the research manager for IBIS Consulting. In London, he worked for Shell International as an economist and for DRI-McGraw Hill both as a macro-economic forecaster and as a marketer.
John did doctoral research (uncompleted) at Cambridge University (UK) and has a BA (Hons) in Social Science from the Middlesex Polytechnic (UK). He has written many journal articles and opinion pieces on broadband policy, pricing and regulation.