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Commonwealth of Kentucky
Client: Office of Broadband Outreach and Development (OBOD), Commonwealth of Kentucky
Project: Kentucky Broadband Planning (SNG)
Conducted: 2011 – present
Results: SNG is currently lending our expertise to the OBOD and the Kentucky Area Development Districts (ADD) to administer and coordinate broadband related research, data collection, development and implementation of public outreach campaigns and recruitment / development of collaborative networks of localized stakeholders and Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) to form Regional/Community Stakeholder Groups. The primary goal? Formalization of broadband promotion, adoption, and utilization plans to impact broadband demand and economic development in unserved and underserved areas of the Commonwealth. Also in the works is defining strategic objectives and metrics to measure the impact of this broadband planning effort on those objectives.
A collaborative web-based network, or Central Repository, is being developed and deployed to deliver service and educational information to regional stakeholders and the citizens of the Commonwealth. The Central Repository will promote new internet content, broadband usage training, data, applications, productivity and action planning online tools to support the broadband planning and adoption efforts of the OBOD.
Preliminary Regional Broadband Reports will be presented to regional stakeholders at a Broadband Adoption and Utilization Planning Workshop. Key findings and utilization gaps will be presented and discussed. Based on these discussions, regional stakeholders will be asked to identify economic development goal, focus priorities and utilization gaps to bridge. Feedback from the workshop will be used to develop a data collection work plan, followed by collection and analysis of data on broadband and e-solutions use by businesses, organizations, institutions, and households across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. From the data collection effort, Digital Economy Reports will be developed that includes a state‐wide broadband utilization profile, as well as customized profiles for the Regional/Community Stakeholder Groups. Plan for economic development through broadband for each Regional/Community Stakeholder Group will be developed, including a summary of priorities, a roadmap forward, with analysis of the targeted industry sectors and/or geographies identified in the workshops.
Resources: December Workshop
Illinois e-Solutions Benchmarking and Regional Planning
Client: Partnership for a Connected Illinois, Illinois, United States
Project: Currently collecting and analyzing data on broadband and e-solutions use by businesses, organizations, institutions, and households across the State of Illinois. Facilitated consultation process with stakeholders to define issues and critical questions for data to be collected.
Conducted: eSB conducted in 2012; contract extension for 2013.
Results: The gaps and opportunities for increasing broadband utilization were identified, while developing broadband strategies for economic development. Contract extension will produce resource materials, stakeholder workshops and action plans for economic development in Illinois.
North Georgia Network business development program
Client: North Georgia Network, Georgia, United States
Project: Currently collecting and analyzing data on broadband and e-solutions use by businesses, organizations, institutions across the North Georgia. Facilitated consultation process with stakeholders to define issues and critical questions for data to be collected. Provided DEi Scorecards to participating businesses. Provided a e-Strategy development report, showing leads to digital economy development in the region.
Conducted: eSB conducted in 2012; contract extension for 2013.
Results: The gaps and opportunities for increasing broadband utilization were identified, while developing broadband strategies for economic development. Contract extension will produce resource materials, stakeholder workshops and action plans for economic development in North Georgia.
Nunavut Broadband Planning
Client: Nunavut Broadband Development Corporation, Nunavut, Canada
Project: Collected and analyzed information regarding broadband and e-solutions use by businesses, organizations, institutions, and households across the 25 communities of Nunavut. Provided a e-Strategy development report, showing leads to digital economy development in the region.
Conducted: 2012
Results: The gaps and opportunities for increasing broadband utilization were identified, while developing broadband strategies for economic development. Provided recommendations to infrastructures development in the North.
Kansas Broadband Planning
Clients: Department of Commerce – Kansas Statewide Broadband Initiative.
Project: Develop a shared understanding of advanced approaches to harnessing broadband deployment to actionable economic impact in the State of Kansas. Understand how statistical analysis and economic modeling of broadband utilization data can support effective broadband planning. Develop specific strategies and tactics to engage targeted local and regional stakeholder groups in broadband planning in a manner that is locally owned and sustainable.
Conducted: May 2012.
Results: Recommendations currently under consideration by the State.
Northern Ireland Broadband Planning
Clients: British Telecom
Project: In partnership with Regeneris Consulting (UK) the project focus was on estimating the potential economic benefits that can be derived from recent investments in fibre broadband services in Northern Ireland. SNG leveraged its extensive database and economic impact analysis to show the financial benefits that can accrue from increased utilization of broadband services across five key sectors: advanced manufacturing, creative & digital, financial services, retail, and agri-food. Increasing broadband utilization enhances demand for fibre broadband services resulting in increased service uptake and greater economic returns on investment.
Conducted: 2013.
Results: The economic impact estimates for Northern Ireland show that a 10 percent increase in utilization of broadband-enabled services would result in a 15-year GVA (gross value added) impact if £422m ($640M) for Northern Ireland. The estimated economic benefits are based on increased use of services that drive business growth (revenues) and improve productivity, innovation, and competitiveness.
Diagnostique des besoins et de la demande en usages numériques
Évaluation d’un déploiement haut débit / très haut débit
Etude de faisabilité d’un investissement numérique
Dévelopment des services offerts et de l’adoption du réseau
Sensibilisation des utilisateurs afin d’accroître l’adoption du numérique
IT Needs-Skills Survey – Local Labour Market Partnership Pilot Project
Client: Communities of Eastern Ontario Network, Ontario, Canada
Project: Authored project and developed proposal to promote local employment in eastern Ontario. Project proposal was successful and Federal funding ($150K) was awarded to client to survey the IT
needs of employers and the IT skills of job seekers.
Conducted: February – November 2002
Results: Increased awareness by businesses in the region on how to leverage IT. Gaps in local hiring were identified and addressed by project stakeholders to promote local job creation and
Community Access Program for Columbia
Client: Lanark Network Associates, Ottawa, Canada.
Project: Advised a federal government client in South America on how to implement a nation-wide network of public Internet access centers following the model by the Government of Canada and its 5,000 Community Access Program centers.
Conducted: March – May 2001
Results: Developed program model with performance measures, critical success factors, and lessons learned for federal government client to implement similar projects in South America.