The Broadband Research and Innovation Network (BRaIN) ecosystem will be made up of regional development planning actors, digital economy researchers and statisticians around a core execution team:
BRaIN contributors:
- Regional/local development planners (to coordinate the efforts)
- Survey specialists (to design the survey and analyze the results)
- Econometricians (to identify the relevant broadband utilization and impact metrics, and to conduct analysis from the data collected and comparative analysis with national and international statistical datasets)
- Sector-specific consultants (to spearhead the design and analysis of sector-specific survey)
- Survey specialists: primarily online and phone (to conduct the actual data gathering exercises)
- University economic research lab (to help compile and analyze the micro data)
- University sociology team (to contribute to the survey design and analysis of the results)
- Regional/local branch of the statistical body (to provide and/or aggregate local and national macro data).
BRaIN users/customers:
- Policy makers at national, regional or even local levels
- Regional/local development planners (looking to obtain the intelligence they need to devise the most relevant broadband-enabled economic development strategies)
- Broadband network funders (looking for a due diligence method)
- Broadband network deployment teams (looking for action-oriented information in order to adjust their planning work)
- Academics: economics, econometrics, sociology, (looking to incorporate the intelligence gathered into their work at regional/local, national or international levels)
- National and international statistical bodies (looking to enhance the macro data at their disposal with micro level intelligence).