Collaboration Means Cost Savings for You!
Identifying demand is just the first step to ensuring success along the Broadband Lifecycle.
SNG Facts: SNG’s 2010 survey of County and Municipal governments in the State of North Carolina reveals that 75% of county and municipal governments view the opportunity to reduce costs and increase efficiencies as a very important motivation for adopting e-solutions, while 56% see this as an opportunity to undertake collaborative initiatives with other organizations. However, only 19% are currently collaborating with other organizations on the provision of shared services with another 12% actively considering such collaboration.
The current economic downturn and the severe budget reductions that governments at all levels are facing is a ‘burning platform’ and an opportunity for breaking down existing silos and changing cultures towards sharing infrastructure and services. With responsible spending and efficiencies a front and center concern, now is the time to change how services are delivered.
SNG’s e-Solutions Benchmarking can help you identify where the opportunities for collaboration are – and where the most immediate and significant impacts lie. Without clear insights, trying to drive collaboration is a little like trying to boil the ocean… theoretically possible, but practically unachievable.
How do you communicate “sharing” broadband infrastructure with potential partners and citizens? Start by asking – does it make sense that each airline have their own airport? An American Airlines airport, a Continental airport, etc. would all be required had the airlines not agreed long ago that sharing infrastructure – even with their competitors – was the most efficient way to leverage infrastructure and deliver quality service.
SNG’s experience has consistently pointed to and developed strategies for collaboration with quantifiable benefits that double the investment. And as our recent study in North Carolina shows, citizens are poised for collaboration, efficiencies, and change. This is the time – how will you capture the opportunities for your region?