About SNG

Who we are

Founded in 1998, Strategic Networks Group, Inc. (SNG) helps localities assess their broadband gaps and quantify the impacts of bridging those gaps so they can make better informed decisions in building a case for digital infrastructure, digital inclusion, and digital transformation.

We assess whether economic growth and community benefits outweigh the costs – and how to drive digital inclusion and transformation for new local economic opportunities, improved quality of life, and new revenue sources for local governments.

For two decades Strategic Networks Group has been helping clients assess and grow the ‘demand side’ of broadband in order to build a case for investing in digital infrastructure and transformation because end user benefits are the drivers for technology investments. We then analyze this broadband market potential with network business models which are the ‘supply side’ of broadband to assess which network technologies are economically feasible and how network investments can generate needed returns.

SNG is technology agnostic and vendor neutral. Our goal is to transform local economies through digital infrastructure, digital equity, and smart community services.

Our services

  • Assess current availability and utilization of broadband by businesses, households, and organizations across communities, regions, or States.
  • Enable clients to identify and address gaps in broadband, digital infrastructure, and digital maturity.
  • Transform local economies without raising taxes, or taking on unsustainable debt.
  • Identify opportunities to implement smart community services (smart grid, ehealth, elearning, smart security solutions, IoT initiatives, etc.) that pay for themselves and enhance local quality of life.
  • Increase local market demand and broadband network sustainability by driving demand for online business and smart community services.

Public and private sector clients have used SNG’s work to identify and address digital divides and broadband gaps, drive economic development through broadband, as well as develop programming and legislation to fund digital infrastructure as a platform for regional development initiatives.

SNG is globally recognized as the leader in helping clients understand the econometrics of broadband and maximize the benefits of investing in digital transformation and smart community technologies. Applying our proven methodologies (e.g. Digital Economy Benchmarking) across the globe, we help communities and regions across North America and internationally. We work with government agencies at all levels, utilities, and economic and regional development agencies – anyone who wants to avoid pitfalls, save time and money, and maximize the economic impacts and community benefits from broadband and digital infrastructure investments.


To help localities build their economic case for investments in digital infrastructure and transformation so they have the necessary platform and digital literacy to drive future economic sustainability and growth, local innovation, and community vitality. By taking a longer-term, community-benefits approach to investing in digital infrastructure, next generation broadband will be affordable and available to all – at SNG we call this the economic case for investing in digital infrastructure.


Our mission is to help communities and regions better understand the local economic growth opportunities and quality of life improvements enabled by meaningful use of digital infrastructure and smart community services. With the empirical evidence that SNG collects and actionable planning intelligence we develop for communities and regions, we help our clients make evidence-based decisions, build buy-in, and build an action plan focused on outcomes that engage the community and providers to:

  • Work together in new and creative ways to maximize local benefits as communities and regions invest in their digital future.
  • Address gaps in broadband and digital infrastructure availability and utilization without raising taxes, nor taking on unsustainable debt.
  • Grow market demand and drive network sustainability by driving demand for smart community services and online business applications.
  • Identify opportunities to implement smart community services that pay for themselves and enhance local quality of life.

“Our progress to this point could not be possible witout the guidance and support of SNG. We were able to secure $1.5 million dollars out of budget cycle from our Coundty Commissionners to run fiber to over 50 County buildings including libraries and community centers in the most rural and underserved areas. All five of our Commissioners resoundingly pointed to the economic development statistics that wew provided by Micheal Crri and his staff. As we move forward for our push to fiber to the home. SNG will be critical in evaluating our survey and census data and identifying the benfits that will be provided to our citizens and Walton County.”

– Rick Wilson
Project and programs Manager
Walton County Administration, Florida

Our Values

  • Delivering client value and achieving sustainable outcomes.
  • Recognizing our clients have different needs and goals and delivering actionable plans that meet their current and future needs.
  • Provide evidence-based insights and solutions that cannot be found anywhere else to guide local and regional decision-making.
  • Our methods and tools enable our clients to drive sustainable economic advancement and quality of life improvements from meaningful use of broadband and digital infrastructure.

“We have some very specific needs in Custer County, so we needed a firm that could understand this and adapt to our needs. SNG was able to assess our boradband needs and quantify the economic impatcs form broadband investments wich they presented in a way that we could both understand and ue for funding. They not only took the time to understand where we want to be, but have to know-know to help us get there.”

– Charles Bogle, President
Custer County Econonomic
Development Corporation, Colorado

Our philosophy

While connectivity is essential, SNG’s research shows that meaningful use of technology – what we call utilization – is what drives economic growth and improves local quality of life. User benefits from online business applications and smart community  services are the fundamental drivers for technology investments and network sustainability. SNG’s holistic approach helps communities and regions ensure digital infrastructure and enhanced essential services deliver the promised economic and social benefits.

By quantifying the economic and community benefits of investments in digital infrastructure and online services, our clients have data points to build consensus on gaps that need to be addressed and make the case for investments in digital infrastructure — especially where there is not enough of a business case for the private sector to invest.«

The “build it and they will come” approach has been financially and politically challenging. Without digital transformation, broadband network investments are less likely to achieve the expected community benefits and may not be sustainable long-term. SNG has taken a holistic and longer term approach to developing the tools and resources needed to help communities through this process. We want to help elected officials, local leaders, government officials, etc. avoid pitfalls, save time and money, and maximize community benefits as they prepare for a digital future.

Our Approach

Ubiquitous, affordable, high-capacity and reliable digital infrastructure is essential for the effective participation of businesses and citizens in a digital world, creating a platform for innovation that brings economic and social benefits to a region. Localities must take ownership of their broadband strategies to ensure economic sustainability, growth and future success.  These strategies need to look beyond broadband availability. 

SNG’s unique approach begins with citizens and businesses — the demand side of digital infrastructure and smart community services. We ask what can and should local businesses, organizations, and citizens be doing online to be more competitive and to improve services. Most importantly, digital infrastructure and smart community investments are necessary to stay relevant in an increasingly digital economy. The smart community and connectivity challenges localities and regions face can be overcome and SNG accomplishes this by addressing demand drivers and personalizing the value of digital infrastructure and smart city services to individual businesses, organizations, and citizens.

“SNG’s Research and Report helped lay the foundation for the p assage of the Broadband Accessibility Act to deregulate, invest, and educate to increase broadband access and adoption in Tennessee.”

– Amanda Martin, Director
State of Tennessee Broadband Office
Project and programs Manager
Walton County Administration, Florida

SNG’s goal is to help communities get the digital infrastructure they need and get the most out of the broadband they have.